Travel can be stressful for your family member with dementia. Changes in routine upset their feelings of stability and familiarity. However, you can set it up so that it is easier for everyone.

A good first step towards taking your loved one on a longer trip is to plan a day outing or staycation (overnight in your own city).

Travel Tips For Caregivers of Dementia Patients:

  • Plan the day with ample time to allow your loved one to decompress from each activity.
  • Allow time for a nap, if necessary.
  • Choose locations that are quieter, with fewer people, and less waiting time.
  • Make sure that restrooms can accommodate any limitations.
  • Start your outing at a calmer part of the day for your loved one.
  • Let people know about your older adult by creating business sized cards to hand to clerks or restaurant staff. They can say something like “My family member has dementia. We are giving them a fun outing but they might say or do things that are unexpected. Thank you for understanding.”
  • Be ready to change your plans if your loved one seems to be agitated.
  • It is not a failure on anyone’s part if your loved one can’t handle what you’ve planned. Kudos to you for trying to give them some normalcy or fun.

Source: National Institute of Health

Prepare Your Family Members Before A Visit:

Your extended family will be excited to see their loved one but may not know how to interact. Here are some easy guidelines:

  • Keep greetings and interactions calm.
  • Don’t speak to your loved one as if they are a child.
  • Respect personal space and ask permission for hugs and touch.
  • Make eye contact and call the person by name.
  • Don’t argue if the person seems confused. Change the subject instead.
  • Prepare to have an activity to share – a photo album, simple game, music or a walk outside.

Source: Daily Caring