Fireworks can scare people with dementia. The loud noises and sudden flashes of light can be very distressing and disorienting for individuals with dementia, who may already experience confusion and heightened sensitivity to their surroundings. This can lead to increased anxiety, agitation, and even fear.

It’s essential to minimize their exposure to such stimuli, especially during holidays or events where fireworks are expected. Creating a calm and quiet environment can help alleviate some of the stress caused by these events.

Several strategies are involved in helping someone with dementia feel more comfortable and less scared during fireworks on the Fourth of July, including minimizing exposure to loud noises and sudden flashes.

Tips to Calm People with Dementia During Fireworks:

Plan Ahead:

Discuss Plans: Let them know in advance that there will be fireworks. Explain in simple terms what fireworks are and that they are safe.

Quiet Environment: Create a quiet and comfortable environment away from the noise.

Create a Calm Space:

Close Windows and Doors: Keep windows and doors closed to reduce noise.

Use Ear Protection: Use noise-canceling headphones or earplugs to muffle the sounds.

Soft Lighting: Use dim lighting or draw curtains to block out the light flashes.

Engage in Calming Activities:

Watch a Movie: Choose a favorite movie or TV show to distract them.

Listen to Music: Play soothing music or use white noise machines to drown out the fireworks.

Engage in Hobbies: Encourage activities they enjoy, such as puzzles, knitting, or reading.

Stay Close:

Reassure: Stay with them and provide comfort. Reassure them that they are safe.

Physical Comfort: Offer physical comfort like holding their hand or giving a gentle massage.

Use Relaxation Techniques:

Deep Breathing: Guide them through deep breathing exercises.

Aromatherapy: Use calming scents like lavender to create a relaxing atmosphere.

Consider Medication:

Consult a Doctor: If the person with dementia has severe anxiety, consult their doctor about the possibility of using medication to help them stay calm during fireworks.

By planning and creating a calm, supportive environment, you can help reduce the fear and anxiety that fireworks might cause for someone with dementia.

Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care

Onyx Home Care’s neurological disorder care is built around a system of support. This service includes skilled home care as well as a unique program that centers on the patient’s interests and stage of illness. Our goal is to see happy family members, patients and caregivers. Often times, caregivers feel remote. Our team includes each person in the home care process to provide inclusive care that helps the patient thrive.