Did you visit an elderly loved one for the holidays? 

Family visits are usually when out of town relatives realize their senior loved ones need help at home. When you recognize your loved one is no longer thriving, it’s time to have an honest conversation about needs. We encourage you to keep this conversation kind and not tell your loved one what to do. Instead, ask them what they need.

We encourage you to lead each question by being helpful. Then, if your loved one takes you up on any of these offers, you’ll be able to assess their needs better.

Questions To Ask

  • How can I help you while I’m here?
  • Having you around is important to me. When was the last time you saw your family doctor or specialists? Would you let me know what they say? I worry about you.
  •  Can I help clean out and replenish your pantry? How often do you go to the grocery store? 
  • Can I do a load of laundry for you? Are you keeping up with laundry and housework?
  • Can I add a bar or seat to your shower? Do you need any adjustments to things around the house to make daily life easier? 

Next Steps

  • Arm yourself with information and look into what is possible through insurance
  • Make sure you have a neighbor or local contact information in case you cannot get ahold of your loved one
  • Make safety adjustments to their house to reduce falls and injuries
  • Look into local home health care as they offer personal care to skilled care services all from home
  • Get a medication management chart and organizer
  • Keep the conversation going 

Families need boots on the ground and trusted eyes to make sure elderly loved ones stay safe and happy in their homes. Home health care offers nurse-directed services that can progress as the needs of your loved one progress.